Thursday 15 May 2014

10 Tech Terms You Might Be Pronouncing Incorrectly

Did you just say “mem”?

To ensure that you don’t come off sounding silly next time you’re chatting with nerds, we’ve compiled this guide on how to properly pronounce some of the terms popular in tech and tech culture.

So learn the correct way to say this stuff, and next time you can be the one making fun of your friends when one of them says “mem.”
Aereo: noun [TV streaming service]
Pronounced “AIR-e-oh,” like a mash-up of “airplane” and “Oreo” (source).
Aereo offers broadcast television to Internet-connected devices. The legality of the service has been challenged by television networks time and time again, but what’s important here is that you can pronounce it correctly. We’re not sure how you were trying to say Aereo before, but you were wrong.
“Thanks to Aereo, I can watch The Tonight Show on my iPad while making stir-fry!”

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