Saturday 17 May 2014

Johnny Manziel apparently texted the Browns from the green room

The Cleveland Browns and Johnny Manziel have been an item for only a week, and already the tales of how they connected have taken on the aura of myth and legend. First, we had the draft night tale of Browns owner Jimmy Haslam taking the advice of a homeless man to draft Manziel. Next, we had the question of whether Manziel will be a backup (yeah, right) when he arrives in Cleveland. And now this:
Manziel apparently texted the Browns from the green room on draft night asking Cleveland to draft him.
Cleveland quarterbacks coach Dowell Loggains gave an Arkansas radio station the details.
“We’re sitting there and they keep showing Johnny on TV, and Johnny and I are texting," Loggains said. "And he shoots me a text and he says, ‘I wish you guys would come get me. Hurry up and draft me because I want to be there. I want to wreck this league together.Now, we could translate "wreck this league" in any number of ways, but Loggains took it in the most positive way possible.
“When I got that text, I forwarded it to the owner and to the head coach [Mike Pettine]," he said. "I’m like, ‘This guy wants to be here. He wants to be part of it.’ As soon as that happened, Mr. Haslam said, ‘Pull the trigger. We’re trading up to go get this guy.”’
Loggains offered up some other enticing tidbits: the Browns tried to work deals with Tennessee for the 11th pick and Dallas for the 16th. They also believed Kansas City was preparing to take Manziel at 23 if they hadn't grabbed him.
Do you believe the story? Do you believe Manziel really wanted to go to Cleveland?
Sure, why not? Manziel damn sure throws himself into whatever endeavor he's involved in, whether it's game day or nightlife. Cleveland's going to have a lot of fun with this guy ... interesting times, regardless.

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