Wednesday 14 May 2014

Low-Key Jobs with High Wages

Fast-talking lawyer. Brash CEO. Virtuoso surgeon. While many high-paying jobs may seem flashy, you don't necessarily have to be front and center to earn an impressive salary.

If you enjoy working more behind the scenes, there are several high-paying career options that could fit your low-key personality. In fact, your penchant for being low-profile could be an advantage in your career.

"Overall, people who work behind the scenes like to process information and ideas internally. They think things through, which may give them an edge when it comes to problem-solving, analysis, and idea generation," says Cheryl Lynch Simpson, an executive career coach and LinkedIn strategist in Columbus, Ohio.
So, if you're the type who doesn't like being in the spotlight, keep reading to discover six low-key jobs with high median salaries.

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