Wednesday 21 May 2014

Jon Stewart rips Obama administration over reported VA wait time cover-ups

Politicians and government leaders insist they're upset about the various allegations being lobbed at the Department of Veterans Affairs, but they pale in comparison to the wrath spewed by "Daily Show" host Jon
Stewart.In his show Monday, Stewart addressed claims that VA administrators manipulated wait times at hospitals to make it seem like patients were seeing doctors quicker than they really were with seething anger and his unusual swear jar.Normally, a swear jar is used to collect money when little Billy and Susie say words they shouldn't. Stewart' sswear jar, on the other hand, is something he screams into whenever he gets upset about the VA wait time scandal. And based on the number of bleeped-out swear words that exploded out of the jar during Monday night's show, it appears that Stewart is outraged quite often.

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